From My Point of View

Losing My Friend

By Sandy Miller

This was a very difficult day. I lost my friend. When we heard on the news about a small plane crashing, I know that those who know him said to themselves, “Please don’t let it be Hugh”, only to find out the next day that it was. Hugh Mattingly… a most beautiful human being. It seems impossible. My head and heart hurt from crying. I hurt for his girls, and grands, his Family and our community who knew him.
I first met Hugh when his daughter was in my acting class many, many years ago. He
had such a welcoming smile and you could see the love he had for his family. We later met up for the Gold Nugget Days Melo Drama. He always told the story of how hard it was for him to come out on stage right after I sang a song because, “How do you top that?” he’d always say. The Melo Drama experience was such a great time. Local townspeople played the parts and each year a script was written about what was going on in town, from feral cats to the blue recycling bins, politics and much, much more. We were all playmates on the
big stage having the time of our lives. Hugh played the hero! Sky Way. An aww shucks, boy howdy, save the gal kinda guy. He was dressed in light colored cowboys duds and a white hat. Oh how the crowd cheered when he came on stage. Not because the sign holders held up the signs to cheer, it was because people loved him so much that his mere presence and dashing smile just made them cheer. He personified the character, because it was really him. Kind, humble, handsome and real. A true good guy all around. We all had so much fun
laughing and caring about each other. I cherish those experiences so much. Everytime we met up around town or at a party we always shared a loving hug. We were just so fond of each other. He filled up the little empty spaces in my heart. We didn’t see each other very much, but I felt joy when we did. I was so happy and proud to see that he followed a dream to be a pilot. You could tell by the smile on his face in pictures that soaring through the sky was his ultimate thrill and pleasure. He is the perfect example of living your dreams. I admire that so much. And now my friend, you are soaring once again, only we don’t get to see you land anymore. You will always be my Sky Way and I will miss you plenty.

© copyright for each story is held by the author.

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