Paradise Chocolate Fest and Other Things
By Sandy Miller

Good Day Friends,
As I’ve mentioned in my previous writings, I am very involved in my Community. I’ve
usually got my hands in some event, which Paradise is known for having a lot of.
And if I’m not involved I show up as an audience member and citizen of this fine
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of being the MC for the Paradise Chocolate
Fest (which I’ve been doing for 15 years now). This tradition is in its 19th year and
in the past 18 years it has raised over $400,000.(yes, you read that right!) What
started out as a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club, morphed into Youth related Organizations on the ridge. This year there were 17. This one day event brings up people from all over Butte County and beyond. The dedicated Debbie
LaPlant~Mosely is the overseer extraordinaire and with a lot of people by her side this amazing event materializes.
Each youth organization gets people to volunteer their time for a plethora of jobs.
The more hours they put in the more money goes to the organization. 100 percent of the money that comes in goes to the recipients, including the admission to get in and the men and women who are competing to be the next Chocolate King or Queen, also do fundraising events and are usually sponsored by local businesses. The one who brings in the most money, earns the crown.
As the MC I get to speak to my community and visitors. I tell them about
the upcoming events like the cookie stacking contest, ice cream eating contest, the winners of the Chocolate Cuisine Contest and more. I tell them about the many sponsors and businesses that took out ads in our booklet. I also share that this
event is literally run by volunteers starting the night before when fencing is put up
around the Terry Ashe Center/park. Organizers who plot out the spots for the
crafters and vendors, who direct the food trucks into the food court, who walk
around and clean up litter, who set up tables & chairs for the musical events and
contests and on and on and on!! Our volunteers are everything!
I also get to share what I know about the upcoming events. Like the Northern
California Ballet’s production of Cinderella on May 17th & 18th, the Chamber drivenOpen House, coming up June 1st & 2nd. (more on that in the next article) and much much more. I get to introduce amazing bands and then sit there and listen to them play and watch all the people dancing and socializing. I think what delights me most about this years event was all the new people and families that were there. As a girl about town, I meet and know a lot of people from all different social events and I must say seeing the new faces just gladdens
my heart. It means that our town is growing. (For the second year in a row we have been deemed the fastest growing community in all of California). It means our
schools are filling up and families are building and buying homes, which means that more businesses will be opening and maybe even a hospital is in our future. We are an amazing community. I encourage you to get involved, tell others, invite a friend to a show or an event. VOLUNTEER! Find what makes you happy and interests you.
There are so many ways to be involved. All you have to do is show up.
Have a beautiful day my friends..
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