Star Bright Community Stories
A Collaborative Resource for Non-Profits, Churches, Businesses, and Individuals Who Provide a Public Benefit.
From My Point of View
by Sandy Miller

As we approach yet another milestone/anniversary/moment in time, that of which we call the Camp Fire, it, of course, provokes thoughts, feelings, reflections…..I choose as I have always chosen, to find the good, see the growth, honor the now! One of my greatest gratitudes I hold dearest to my heart is when I started working at Nic’s. There is this beautiful soul in Paradise, Nicki Jones, who selflessly decided to open a restaurant in a burned out town. Not because we needed an eating place, but because we needed a gathering place, a healing place. Having never been in the food industry, Nicki just decided to purchase one of the few standing buildings on the Skyway and open the doors to her/our community and start that soul recovery process…for all of us. Nicki invited me to come work for her and of course I eagerly said yes. It wasn’t just a job. It was my salvation. It fed my need to love and serve my community that I had been doing for decades until it was taken away. It filled my need to connect and nurture my people and myself. It helped me to know that they were still here and doing okay…or not doing okay. The sound of gathering and laughter and tears filled my wounded heart and made my eyes water. Little by little we began to figure it out and find our way through with each others love and support. In less than 1 year after the fire, she opened her doors to us without a second thought of “What am I doing”…she just did it. We’ve been through many employees, trials, covid shut downs, grants, power outages, near closing our doors,
change in business hours and days. Bringing in entertainment, creating events, trivia night, parade route celebrations, renting out our space to organizations, collaborating with and supporting other businesses in town and that’s just to name a few things. We are now about to celebrate our 5 year anniversary at the end of Sept. I have met so many beautiful
people inside this building. Most who have become my friends. If I’m not behind the bar on
Thursday and Friday Nights, I come in for a pint or a glass of wine and gather with my
people on other nights. All because of Nicki. From the bottom of my enormously filled
heart, I thank you Nicki for my many blessings!
I encourage you all to pay a visit to Nic’s. Bring a friend or make a new one while you are
there. Come for lunch or dinner or just belly up to the bar. With your love and support we
will be here for you for as many years that we are gifted to do so.
© copyright for each story is held by the author.