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A Walk in Nature
with Jane Dysert
Episode 4, August 18, 2024

(Editor’s note: Each morning, Jane embarks on a journey through nature’s wonders, and fortunately for us, she brings her camera. Through her lens, she invites us to share in the magic of nature, offering us a glimpse of the beauty and serenity that surrounds us. With every click of her camera, Jane brings us closer to experiencing a profound connection with the natural world—a connection that fills our hearts with joy and our souls with peace. So why not start your day with a dose of Jane’s captures? Let her photographs be the sunshine that brightens your morning, the breeze that whispers tranquility into your day. With Jane’s snapshots by your side, your day is bound to be a little brighter, a little lighter, and a whole lot more beautiful.)

Three hour walk early this morning was totally worth it. I got a “lifer” which is always exciting.

The California Thrasher is the largest of the thrashers.

Like its relative the Northern Mockingbird, the California Thrasher incorporates imitations of other birds’ songs into its own song, especially birds that are common in chaparral. These include the California Quail, Wrentit, California Scrub-Jay, Bewick’s Wren, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Spotted Towhee, and Lesser Goldfinch.

Kind of a “lifer” – I had not seen a juvenile Turkey Vulture before this morning.

Turkey vultures don’t attain their bright red coloration until the bird reaches adulthood; juveniles have a dark gray head and sometimes are mistaken (by birders) for black vultures.

Anderson CA

Identified 38 different bird species this morning at Anderson River Park. Always a pleasure to see my favorite Osprey.

Early (6:30) walk at ARP paid off. I walked down near the large pond to scan the area and heard “munching” so I sat down and tried my best to hide in the brush and the beaver finally came into view.

Early morning walk at Anderson River Park.

Good Morning to You

© copyright for each story is held by the author.

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